Sunday, December 4, 2011

9. Given the authority to establish a holiday, what would you choose to commemorate? Why? What would the celebration look like?

If I could choose to establish a holiday, I would commemorate July 2nd, the day that segregation in America ended in the workplace and public accomodations, into a holiday. It's such a huge and significant day in the timeline of historic dates that I can't underscore it enough! It completely changed the future in America for the best. It illustrates morals and it conveys the message that all of us on the world are equal. We are here to help one another not insult and certainly not enslave. America now has to set that example with our countrys' power. If this could be a holiday it would be celebrated with free bus rides for everyone and the act of kindness to one another. A free bus ride would illuminate the harsh years when african-american people had to sit at the back of buses or even give their seat up for pure cruelty. On this holiday it would also be expected of people to have consideration towards our society and ponder over segregations' miserable works. This holiday would lead to people joining the imaginary revolution against racism which still exists to this day due to insufficient of our humanity not comprehending the reality that we are all equal.

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