Sunday, December 4, 2011

4. If you could go back in time and be someone in history, who would you choose to be? Why?

If I could go back in time and be someone in history I would be an activist, Mother Jones, Mary Harris Jones. She was an American labor and community organizer who coordinated strikes and formed a union to ameliorate her community. Mother Jones made an immense impact on history which I admire. She was a couragous lady who fought for what she knew was right and greatly helped the factory workers and miners until the conditions were fixed. I hope to leave an impact on this world or to atleast the needy before I leave this world and hopefully be as brave as Mother Jones. Her aid can't be emphasized enough but ofcourse she had help of other organizers. I wish to create non-profit organizations or charitys when I'm older to help the needy countries or atleast spread the word about them and educate people. Society needs to comprehend that we have the power to help easily and they will only come to realize that through the fights of people like Mother Jones.

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